7 Simple Ways To Improve Your Focus

“Where focus goes, energy flows. And where energy flows, whatever you’re focusing on grows.” — Tony Robbins

If your span attention is fucked because of to much doom scrolling and distraction… then this video is really going to help you.

I don’t wanna waste your time so let’s get straight into it.

1) Awareness & Replacement Of Bad Habits.

Before adding anything, first we must focus on the root of the problem.

Because if we don’t, then it’s like swimming up stream.

Action step:

  1. Take notes of the activities and tasks that drain your energy, this could be:
    • Pornography
    • Junk food
    • Video games
    • Netflix binging
    • Scrolling on your phone (Instagram, Shorts, TikTok, Facebook…)
    • Toxic relations like friends you don’t even care about, or people that make you indulge in bad habits like drinking alcohol, video games, partying, stuff like that.
  2. Start to gradually remove them from your life.

The list can go on an on, what you need to understand is that this stuff destroys your mental capacity to deeply focus in something important.

And by the way, you may be questioning this, because everyone does it, so why should you stop doing it…

There is a powerful quote I really like:

“You are the sum of the 5 people you spend most time with.” — Jim Rohn

Action Step

Let’s do a very powerful exercise:

  1. Close your eyes.
  2. Imagine you keep performing the same habits, gathering with the same people, doing the same stuff, smoking, drinking, playing video games, whatever it is. Committing and indulging in the same activities and events, over and over for 10 years…

How will your life look like?

Do you like that picture?

What I’m saying is that you may or not be in a bad position in life right now.

But reflect on this questions:

  • Don’t you think you could be better?
  • Don’t you think you could be achieving more?
  • Don’t you think you could be leveling up faster?
  • Are you living to the fullest of your potential?

Now I’m not saying I am living to the 100% of who I can be.

But that’s what I’m working toward right now, day by day.

I don’t want to sound like the typical dopamine detox guru, not to say that they are wrong, but you need to understand that if you want to be in a better position in life, you must sacrifice things.

“If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice”.

I know this isn’t a normal video, and that’s the thing honestly.

I’m not trying to entertain you.

But you get the point.

So this are the things you can do to improve your focus:

2) No Multitasking

It feels good to indulge in distractions.

This not only makes it incredibly difficult to focus on a single complex task, it makes you more likely to complete a dozen simpler, more inconsequential tasks like responding to email or making phone calls, rather than tackle bigger, more significant projects.

So… let’s fix this shit.

This one is going to be difficult if your daily work basis revolves around this.

Multitasking is bad for your focus as you are dividing your attention into different tasks, without getting anything done.

If you work in a noisy office or your environment is very stressful then try to remove distractions and noise as much as you can.

You can:

  • Use noise-cancelling headphones.
  • Advice the people around you, you will be working, so they don’t distract you.
  • Focus on one single task when working, finishing it, and then moving to the next one.

And if you work in an noisy office, then it’s going to be more difficult… but be creative, there’s always a way of solving things.

Or just get a better job… but that’s a topic for another video.

3) Prioritizing Flow-State

Flow state is a state of mind known for being the peak of human experience.

A state where you are performing at your best, whether it be in relationships, exercise, or studying.

A state where you are so immerse in the task that the outer becomes seamless and your ego dissolves.

But flow state doesn’t work like a light switch, you don’t just enter at once.

It’s a 4 stages cycle of:

  1. Struggle (you struggle and fight to focus on the task).
  2. Release (you let go of resistence).
  3. Flow (when you finally entering the zone and become one with the task).
  4. Recovery (properly managing stress and recovering for the next session).

So don’t beat yourself if you don’t make it the first time. Entering Flow State is a matter of consistent practice, and balance between anxiety and boredom.

And your ability to enter depends on:

  • Your energy and experience.
  • Your interest and the difficulty of the task.
  • Your environment and distractions.

If you are interested on this topics I really recommend you read:

  1. FlowMihály Csíkszentmihályi
  2. Deep WorkCal Newport

Action step:

If aren’t doing this…

  1. Set a moment of the day to focus for bursts of intensity (between 25 - 90 minutes) — not recommended to perform more than 4 hours of deep focused work.
  2. Remove any distractions (phone, noice, etc…).
  3. Have a cristal clear goal in mind (clear goals are a pre requisit for flow state).
  4. Do the task at hand (work, writing, editing, organizing, recording, etc…)

You’ll see how much you can get done in less amount of time when you are truly focused.

4) Meditation

  • It makes you more present and aware of the thoughts, recognize primal impulses and urges for dopamine, feelings and emotions when they arrive in consciousness. Meditation is a practice which benefits appear in the long term mostly, depending on you of course.
  • {fondo más oscuro y palabras apareciendo al ritmo de la voz} Pasive and active.
  • Pasive meditation is basically more about staying still, preferably seated in a lotus position, while focusing on your breathing and your enviroment. This is the one I personally do the most.
  • And active meditation, which is more about moving your body. One practice I used to do was { comienzo video del asiatico haciendo Qi Gong } Qi Gong, which seems very similar to yoga in some way { fin video del asiatico haciendo Qi Gong }. I knew about this practice because a friend of mine who has been doing it for a while recommended it.
  • And just in case, the main benefits of meditation aren’t to have no thoughts or emotions in the long-term, but to become more consciouss of them, of your existence.
  • This means improving your self-awarness and not letting your ego domain you. Improving the connection between your mind and body.
  • And I know this may seem like some wishy washy, guru yogi bullshit, like who the fuck does this? And exactly, most people don’t, most people live with a shit span attention, most people cannot even focus for more than 10 minutes in a task.
  • There is a comparison which is more sad than funny. Which shows that the average human has less focus than a gold fish. Just see how fucking crazy that is, your attention is so fucked up than even a gold fish can compete with you.
  • And I don’t want to sound arrogant or egotistical, but believe me when I say, if you want to fix your focus, mindfulness meditation is absolutely key, and not just to improve your span attention, but your experience of life as a whole.
  • This year I have the goal of meditating 1 hour every single day, yes, is a shit ton, but I think it can be trully fucking powerfull.
  • A specific meditation practice I’ve been looking for latelly, is “Death Meditation”. This may sound really weird and unconfortable if you’ve never heard of it.
  • It’s not about living your life with fear thinking about death, at least not from my perspective. This meditation helps you become more aware of what and where you invest your time and energy, your focus. It helps you appreciate more your time and become more productive.
  • But if you never meditated I would suggest you to start with something more relaxing, but as you wish. So for this I recommend you the app “Medito”, which I’ve been using for more than 1 year, it really helped me. It’s totally free and you can find it on your phone’s store, I have android so I installed it through Google Play. Of course you can try other apps, but I think this one is trully worth it.

Yes I know you probably heard of meditation and you are probably also doing it every single day… or not.

So why should you meditate?

And if you’ve been around the self-improvement world for a while then you already know meditation is one of the main keys for fixing your attention and improving your focus.

Meditation allows you to:

  • Recognize primal impulses and urges for dopamine or triggers.
  • Feelings and emotions when they arrive in consciousness.
  • Have more control and dominance over the ego.
  • Enhance creativity and idea generation.
  • Improves your ability to focus to longer periods of time.
  • Improves the connection between your mind and body.
  • Etc…

The biggest benefits of meditation appear in the long term, depending on you.

And yes, it may seem useless or boring.

But that’s what will differentiate you from the rest, by building and working hard every single day toward your dream.

Action Steps:

The key to improving your awareness (as well as with everything) is consistency.

1) First Step

  1. Find somewhere comfortable: This can be anywhere, you can lie down, sit cross-legged, or just sit normally in a chair.
  2. Have good posture: but don’t let yourself get too stiff/rigid.
  3. Take a few deep breaths: shake your body out, and start bringing your focus to certain sensations on your body:
    • How your breath feels on your nose/throat
    • How your stomach rises with each breath
    • How tense your shoulders and jaw are
    • How it feels to sit or lay down

2) Second Step

  1. Close your eyes and keep your hands in one place, normally flat on your thighs.
  2. Start breathing through your nose only.
  3. Breathe air into your stomach, not your chest. Your stomach should be rising and falling more than your chest is.
  4. Do a “body scan,” bring your attention to:
    • The top of your head.
    • Your ears, eyes, and nose.
    • How tense your jaw and neck are.
    • Shoulders, chest, and back.
    • Stomach rising, back against your chair or bed.
    • Your hips and thighs.
    • Down to your feet.
  5. Work up and down your body noticing how everything feels. If it feels tense, focus on “breathing” into that area, giving it all of your focus to loosen the tense sensation.

3) Third Step

  1. Once you have scanned down your body, it’s time to switch your attention to your breath.
  2. You can create an ‘anchor’ out of 2 things:
    • How your breath feels as it passes your nose.
    • How your stomach feels as it rises and falls.

As you are meditating, this will be where you bring your attention back to when thoughts start popping up.

This is that will happen:

  1. Thoughts will pop up, that is okay (that’s the purpose of meditation).
  2. When you realize that you are thinking too much and not focusing on your ‘anchor,’ bring your attention back to your nose or stomach.

It takes practive, but over time, work towards not placing any judgement on your thoughts.

By the way, this is meditation, letting your thoughts flow in and out and continuously bringing your focus back to the present.

How Long Should I Meditate For?

If you never did it before, simply start with 5-10 minutes.

You will see a tremendous change in your life, depending on how serious you take this.

And if you are thinking: “How can sitting and breathing helps me feel better?”

I get it.

What I can tell you is that your mind is the most complex machine in the whole universe.

Having the ability to calm and shut down overthinking on demand is a superpower in a world filled with dopamine everywhere, poisonous information, infinite instant gratification apps and misconceptions.

I would highly recommend downloading an app and following a guided meditation session for your first month.

The one I use is called “Medito”.

It’s simple and 100% free, has courses for beginners and more complex types of meditations.

When Should I Increase The Length?

Before increasing it make sure you are being consistent.

Then after the first week, increase it to 10 minutes a day. At the end of the month, increase it more as you please.

Remember that the key here is consistency, so don’t do 5 hours of meditation in a day, and then nothing.

Aim to be consistent, and at the same time every single day for the next month, and you will transform your mind into an emotionally impenetrable fortress.

5) Diet

I talked about this above, but is worth repeating.

If you want to maximize your focus as much as possible.


  • Eating fast food (junk food).
  • Sugary food/drinks.
  • Processed food.
  • Etc…

All the shit that is only instant gratification.

Lower or remove carbs from your diet.

Carbs requiere a lot of energy to be digested, and that energy makes your mind slower and more retarded.

And you may think:

“Carbs are cheaper, I cannot really afford anything else.”

I understand, and you are right, they are cheaper.

Se here.

Action Step To Immediately Increase Productivity:

  • Avoid consuming carbs before doing mental cognitive work, you will feel more retarded and you won’t be able to focus on the task at hand. You can still consume carbs if you want but avoid consuming them in the breakfast or before work.

I personally fast during the whole morning only if I’m going to do hard focused cognitive work.

If I go travel with my family or do something else, then I will eat breakfast, but just in those specific scenarios.

But I ain’t no doctor, so if you have any condition then for safety go ask you local doctor for help.

Ask them about this, and depending on your specific needs, see what’s best for you.

This is what I use and do every single day.

6) Environment

Have a clean and minimalist environment.

Cleanness represents clarity and calmness in the mind.

Action Step:

  1. Clean your room and remove objects you don’t need and that don’t contribute to your growth and success.
  2. In your panoramic vision only have objects you’ll need during your work, like: notepad, pen, notebook, bottle of water, coffee, whatever…
  3. Set a weekly, monthly or even yearly date for “Possession Purge” (I would recommend doing it weekly). For that block of time, dedicate to eliminate objects, gift or sell from your life that aren’t necessary.

7) All-In or Nothing

When performing activities, dedicate (if needed) the 100% of your attention into it.

For example:

  • Talking to a friend, peer: don’t be using your phone whilst talking, it’s disrespectful and you won’t be as present.
  • When watching a movie, or video, don’t do it whilst watching Instagram, TikTok, etc…

In my childhood used to spend a shit tone of time playing video games, watching porn, watching bullshit on YouTube and eating shitty highly processed food.

Like most people.

I didn’t had health problems like obesity, because I am tall, but I was really skinny and not mentally healthy.

I remember one summer of 2015. I had 11 years old, I woke up and directly went to the Xbox360 to play Assassins Creed 3, and yes, those are nostalgic memories, but… I unconsciously sacrificed time of my life in there.

Now I’m not saying you should regret about that like if you could go back in time to prevent it.


You should learn from your mistakes and move on, stop wasting time and improve yourself.

Now I’m not here to tell you what to do, I’m just giving basic advice of what I would’ve needed someone to tell me, in my teenage years, to prevent, or fix my poor mental health and attention span.

By The Way

If you want my 1:1 support I got a link below for a sales call (full transparency) where we’ll talk about the problems you are facing and how my program can help you solve them, improve the quality of your life and achieve your goals much faster.


See you :)

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