Becoming The Spectator In Meditation

Today I decided to meditate first thing in the morning (instead of doing it in the evening, like i usually do).

I made the effort of seeing myself as the spectator of thoughts.

And I noticed that you can drastically ease meditation and improve your mind by watching yourself as the spectator of wathever arrives in consciousness instead of identifying yourself with whatever arrives itself. Letting everything be, and observing like if you were watching a big cinema screen.

This may feel weird at first, because you can become brutally aware of thoughts, emotions, and sensations when they appear in consciousness. Is like a new perspective. And actually, I think this is the key of meditation, observing everything that drags you away from the present, noticing it and repeating.

Through time and practice, I became aware that I had the unconsciouss goal of actually having no thoughts at all while refocusing on the breath. Thats what I thought meditation was about, and what I thought should happen. Which eventually made me overthink sometimes, without realizing.

And I wouldn’t say that it’s a wrong way of meditating, because you are still doing the practice and improving your mind. But is just not what meditation is about.

Meditation is about improving self-awarness by noticing everything arriving in consciousness, which yes, is something you improve with time and consistensy.

Entering flow-state while performing an activity is a way of meditation.

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