How I Leverage Negative Emotions For Success (So You Can Too)

You often feel emotions that end up determining your actions...

The way you think and live.

You end up procrastinating on your goals.

Regretting having lacked the discipline to face a challenging task or having acted emotionally in a determined situation.

I will provide you some tools that helped me with this problem, but first i need you to be aware of 2 very important things:

1) Do not expect quick and easy solutions. Long-term solutions are not always easy and forget about the quick ones.

2) The goal is learning how to channel your negative emotions toward growth and success, not eliminating or controlling them.

That is impossible, unrealistic, and inhuman.

Understand that emotions are part of life, they make us humans, and no, they are not our enemies.

Everyone feels emotions.


However… you can take 1 of 2 options:

1) Stay comfortable, act on your feelings, claim a victim mentality, and run away from your fears. Which will lead your life into chaos, suffering and self-enslavement. Worst of all, you will die without knowing the art of your true potential.

2) Face the harsh reality, master your mind, and become stronger in all areas of life. A hard and painful, but extremely necessary and rewarding path for those who follow it.

Let me put 3 examples: David Goggins, Thomas shelby, Jordan Peterson, and Andrew Tate.

They feel emotions because they are humans.

The key point to understand is… that they do not let those emotions determine their actions.

Therefore, they are highly successful and valuable individuals, living the life they have chosen.

So again, the purpose is to learn how to channel all that negative energy toward conquering your life and becoming the architect of your destiny.

1) Your Identity

Your identity the real change starts from the inside not the outside your identity greatly dictates everything in your life.

From your thoughts to your actions.

It is the way you perceive speak and treat yourself.

It is the way you face life.

If you keep having the same identity that made into the person you are today and make no change, these solutions are only temporary.

First of all, you must understand that, since you were born, you have unconsciously created an identity that made the individual you are today, through the situations you lived, the content you consumed, and how modern society told you to be.

So… this is the first step toward growth.

1. Letting Go & Leveraging Trauma

Action Step

1) Take your journal and start writing about the traumatic and embarrassing events that made an impact on you.

Those you cannot forget about because of how embarrassed and shamed you felt.

And yes… this may give you some cringe at first but it is normal just write little by little what comes to your mind and flow.

If you don’t know how to start, let me guide you:

  1. Break out your journal (writing the ideas and thoughts on paper will help you to stick and articulate them more in your mind). If you don’t have one, or if prefer, you can do it on pc or mobil, as you wish.
  2. Write everything that comes in minute detail. Try to not miss anything, and be as specific as posible.
  3. Avoid coping. Don’t lie to yourself by making absurd excuses to procrastinate on this activity, you are better than that.
  4. You can also listen to ambient music that inspires and helps you flow with the writing. Or simply listen to any music that relaxes you and makes writing easier.

Is a process of introspection.

The goal is to break through the layers of your mind and enter into its depths.

If your environment allows you to, pause the video and start now.

This is only for you.

Sharing it with others is your decision.

The goal of this step is allowing you for 3 things:

  1. Improve awareness and understanding of the traumas that are holding you back: This will help you channel that energy and use it toward becoming more productive, successful, and efficient in your day-to-day.
  2. Becoming more aware of your weaknesses and biggest fears.
  3. Understand that you are not the things that happened to you: Avoid leveling your ego with things of the past you cannot control. You will be wasting a lot of time and energy. Instead, act and solve in the present with the tools you have.

You are not what happened to you, but who you choose to become.

Be wise.

And yes.

I know that this may not sound like the most fun activity at first, and i understand.

Maybe you think it is boring, useless, that you have nothing to write about, and that it is a total waste of time.

But believe me…

It isn't.


Benefits Of Journaling

Journaling is one of the best and healthiest activities you can apply on your daily basis to:

  1. improve your self-awareness.
  2. Become more articulate.
  3. And make you more aware of your thoughts.

So once you start writing, you will enjoy, and notice over time, all the thoughts that are only limiting your true potential.

Take the time you need, and start by little.

2. Visualize your 2.0 version

Action Step

Make a vision of your future self and journal about it, who, and how you would like to be in the future.

Reason: you will focus more of your energy and thoughts on becoming that person.

First you are, then you achieve.

That is why first is so important to solve your traumas, because if you want to change, first you must let go, solve, and understand the events that you identify yourself with that hold you back and don’t allow for your growth.

You can start by writing your:

  1. Habits
  2. Routines
  3. How you perform in the social world
  4. Your appearance
  5. Etc...

You can make a category for every aspect and dimension of life.

I’ll give you some examples:

  1. Social skills: “when it comes to having a conversation, i make eye contact with the person i’m talking to, i listen, and i don’t interrupt.”
  2. Habits: “the first thing i do when i wake up is meditate for 5 minutes.”

Follow it in this order:

  1. Journal.
  2. Read them out loud so they stick in your mind.
  3. Take action.
  4. Repeat.

Constant action and repetition will help you create the individual you want to become.

Of course, this is not something you finish in a day, so take the time you need and try putting all your attention into the activity when you are doing it.

2) The shadow

This may sound weird if you have never heard of it before.

So let me explain… there is an explanation for most of your mental war, which principally takes part in the unconscious.

"Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.” – Carl G. Jung

What does this means?

What is the shadow?

In non-metaphorical terms, Jung explains the shadow as the representation of the qualities and aspects of ourselves we reject and denny due to being considered unacceptable and undesirable by society and by ourselves.

Such as animalistic drives for sex and power.

"The thing a person has no wish to be.” – Carl Jung

But… these qualities and aspects haven’t disappear, they have sinked into the unconscious of our minds creating the shadow.

So… why would we even want to integrate our shadow?

Integrating and accepting our shadow, the monster we all have inside ourselves and which existence we denie signifies rejuvenating our life and healing a divided world.

Jung explained:

“If it has been believed hitherto that the human shadow was the source of all evil, it can now be ascertained on closer investigation that the unconscious man, that is, his shadow, does not consist only of morally reprehensible tendencies, but also displays a number of good qualities, such as normal instincts, appropriate reactions, realistic insights, creative impulses, etc.” – Carl Jung, cw 9ii, par 423.

The shadow defies all our ego-personality it is the opposite of the moral we know.

And you may think:

“I do not want to be like that”

“I am not a harmful person”

“I am not a monster”

But integrating your shadow is not about acting on your impulses, becoming a jerk, or provoking caos.


It is about being conscious of your dark side, of the atrocities you are capable of doing because of your innate nature, and using that energy toward growth and evolution, not caos.

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” – Carl Jung

Becoming a monster and learning how to control it, will provide significant amounts of energy, and a whole of good qualities into our personality.

"The shadow is on one side regrettable and reprehensible weakness, on the other side healthy instinctivity and the prerequisite for higher consciousness.” – Carl Jung

How To Integrate Your Shadow

Action Step 1:

Focus on 3 essential subjects:

  1. Your flaws
  2. Weaknesses
  3. Fears

The goal of this step is to write down and become aware of them.

These are fears that must be faced and solved, not ignored.


Reflecting on these 3 topics allows for a lot of growth because you are focusing on:

  1. Becoming aware of your flaws, weaknesses and fears: Those aspects of yourself you denie and avoid.
  2. Starting to work toward them.
  3. Strengthen and evolve by improving them, not avoiding or denying them.

Action Step 2:

Practice mindfulness.

Meditating on your shadow improves awareness of your dark side, which facilitates its integration and allows you to be more in touch with your inner world.

If you struggle to concentrate and you are feeling very anxious, this may help you:

  1. Go to your room
  2. Close the door
  3. Turn off the lights
  4. Sit in total silence wherever you want doing absolutely nothing
  5. Relax by taking some deep breaths
  6. Focus and think: "What is bodering me? Is it something i have control over? And if i have, am i willing to fix that problem?"

You struggle to concentrate on this, because you are trying to think about stuff that touches your ego.

In this case, thinking on your flaws, weaknesses, and fears.

This feels uncomfortable, and you may not like it at first.

Therefore your mind wants to escape, blinding any thought and trying to evade the situation in any possible way.

That is why doing nothing at all, relaxing, and allowing yourself to be bored can help make this task easier.

Now, you can apply these 3 steps on your daily basis to start integrating your shadow.

It also helps you be more articulate when talking to people and using the right words.


Becoming aware of the things that hold you back, making a vision of your future self, and accepting your dark side as a natural and essential part of your will lead you to take the needed risks to live a fulfilling life. Avoiding ignorance, and becoming wiser.

Start by little, and improve in time.

I know there are lots of things to apply.

But don’t pressure yourself over this, start by doing a little beat every day, and then increase the duration.

This is a necessary process to achieve the life you really want by embracing your real nature.

So now it’s up to you to take action with the tools i provided don’t hurry up, but do it action is doing, not listening or thinking.

Don’t procrastinate satisfying yourself with mental masturbation.

Use your precious time and don’t waste it.

Have a good one!

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